Weekends in Somerset

Created by Natalie 3 years ago

We always felt so blessed that our children had the chance to get to know all 8 of their great grandparents. Leon and Esther always loved coming to visit somerset as did Ali and myself. Nanny and Grandad’s home is always the most welcoming, loving and relaxed place to stay. The toy box, the biscuits, the hugs and love. Great Nanny biscuit (as she was known to us) always made us feel at home; the kids played in the garden, sometimes us sitting on the sofa watching the snooker or playing suduko side by side. Or chatting about the fantastic cruises and adventures they’d been on. I loved hearing her stories of her life and her family she loved so dearly.

One memory that stands out to me is when we stayed over for my first mothering sunday. Leon must have been only a month old I was still very fragile and exhausted and still finding my feet but the family were so supportive. We all went to church and celebrated and I’m sure there was pleanty of food after as was always the way. 

Family birthdays, weddings, holidays and occasions too many to mention now all made more joyful seeing Beryl’s cheeky smile and warm presence. We will miss you lots Nanny Green. Leon and I wondered if there are biscuits in heaven? Leon concluded that if there wasn’t before there certainly will be now that Nanny Biscuit is there!  

Much love

Natalie Green

(Love also from Ali, Leon and Esther xx)